Outstanding TODOs

by: eevee, 1/1/25

Tasks truly never fucking end. While I still have art to upload and archive, there’s still some features I need to make and some stuff I need to unfuck.

Blog todos:

  • figure out how to use my custom components in mdx files
    • i think this is just me being bad at typescript but who knows. i’ll figure it out.
  • figure out why I can’t link to uploaded images in the assets folder
    • is this netlify doing this or is it something im not quite getting with astro because it works on my machine 🙃
  • recipes in blog posts
  • i cook a lot and i want to share my cooking, tips, and adventures as well as my art. this will also force me to use obsidian again.

The last task in that list didn’t make into this version of the blog primarily because the MVP was posts and pictures…which I apparently only got mostly working.